A Little Slice of Heaven on Earth

Album cover for Travis + Janeen EP Let Heaven Come
Dive into this short, yet richly layered EP by Travis + Janeen. These three songs are a piece of electro indie pop that is easy to sing along with and wonderfully produced! Filled with melodic hooks, both lyrically and in the production, Let Heaven Come is a slice of pastel cake with whipped frosting shoved into your ear. Not actually shoved into your ear, more like if a slice of the most excellent easter cake your aunt had made was actually sound instead of flour, eggs, and sugar, this is what it would sound like.

Travis + Janeen are a traditional love story as much as this EP is about the story of love for God. Boy auditions girl for worship team, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl get married, boy and girl give birth to an EP. Ok, not totally traditional, but definitely worth noting. They reside in Mooresville, NC and their EP lives at this address.

Three songs worthy of listening to, singing along with, and a great story to boot.

Travis + Janeen’s website

Their Facebook page

Noisetrade download.

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