Worthy of the Journey to Find Truth

Mariners album cover for Kept


True singer songwriters seek truth and sing and write of their journey in finding truth. Mariners, of Gridley, IL, has displayed this journey through song in a previous release, ‘The Quiet’ and with the follow up recently released: Kept. Diverging a bit from the acoustic sound, Mariners, adds synthesizers and a more complete soundscape without sacrificing intimacy or the journey for truth.

Pulling from the books of Isaiah and Psalms, primary song writer Brock Wiegand pulls truths of hope, and the love that God has for us and delivers them into a package that encourages the listener to realize that God is a constant nearness. Harmonizing vocals, simplicity, and restraint make this an excellent listen. Brock Wiegand and Gabe Meiss vocals blend exceptionally well, invoking artists like Simon and Garfunkel.

Kept is not only well produced, but also exhibits lyrics that tell stories and display beauty in a manner that is intelligent, smart and well done.

Initially released as a bonus for Mariners kickstarter’s patrons, Kept, is available on iTunes and noisetrade.

Worthy of many listens.

Noisetrade – http://noisetrade.com/mariners/kept-ep

iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/kept-ep/id1147361408

2 thoughts on “Worthy of the Journey to Find Truth

  • Pingback: Kept EP reviewed by Solid Ground Reviews – Justin Wiegand Blog

  • October 8, 2019 at 2:18 pm

    I love this album so much. Amazing quality in every way; sound, production and lyrics. Deep and Truth filled lyrical composition. The sound and Spirit-filled lyrics remain in my soul even after listening. This music makes me want to both bow down in worship and bask in His presence for a long, long time. Inspiring and captivating. Thank you to all involved.


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