09-03-17 Jesus & Jams

Today’s scripture is Psalm 115:17

The New Testament over and over tells us that before we knew Christ we were dead in our sins. That we were dead spiritually. Once we became known to God by recognizing the truth and believing in and upon Jesus Christ we became alive to Him!

It’s easy to forget that before we had the revelation of Jesus, that we did not praise God and that our lives in no way reflected worship towards our beloved Creator. Before coming to know the love of the Father, it would have been impossible for us to give or show the love of God! Thank goodness we’ve been reborn and have new life in Jesus Christ!

However, we cannot expect those that are dead to act like they are alive. We can make laws to keep people in line, and have consequences, but overall, if someone is spiritually dead, you cannot expect them to love you in return with the same love of Christ or have the same respect for all persons. But, they can come to know what Christ’s love looks like through us if we shine His light!


We’ve paired today’s scripture with Adeyinka Adegoke‘s While I Live

click on the image below to download or stream for free!

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