09-30-17 Jesus & Jams

Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 42


How do you approach your relationship with God?

Do you see your relationship as a checklist?

Do you approach your relationship with your spouse, significant other, family or friends with a checklist?

Do you have requirements that you check off during the day as part of your relationship?

Do you talk to them throughout the day, or just for a few moments in the morning?

Do you read their texts and emails when it is convenient, or do you place them as a priority?

Do you view your relationships as a ‘job’?

Many people have a checklist that they go through, read the bible, pray for five minutes, listen to worship music and then go about the rest of their day.

We also ask each other questions like “how was your prayer time today?” It would be the same as asking, “how was your chat with your best friend today? Did it go well? Did you get the most out of it that you possibly could? How much time did you spend talking to them?” Or like reading the Bible, many approach it as a chore, rather than viewing it as a series of emails, texts, or books about God’s love affair with mankind and His character.

If you treat your relationship with God like a relationship instead of a set of chores or to do lists, you will find that God is eager to have a relationship with you as well!


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