Clean Family Friendly Hip Hop? Yes! It Exists!

David Prince album Cover for Big Faith Big Dreams

When you have big faith, you tend to have big dreams, and faith is evidenced by doing things. The third formal release from David Prince, Big Faith Big Dreams, boasts of faith and desiring more out of life than just existing. Well developed beats, catchy melodies and urging the listener to pursue faith, David Prince puts out an easily accessible EP.

Five tracks grace Big Faith Big Dreams. The song “Big Faith Big Dreams” is definitely worth listening to several times over, and the track that follows it up on the album, “Something More ft. Lil Bre” goes hand in hand with the theme of faith. Vocally, David Prince is solid, a mixture of Chris Brown and Jermiah. As with most hip hop, especially independent releases, some pitch correction is used for effect or to ‘improve’ a singer’s pitch, but in this EP, it’s refreshing to hear a solid vocalist and effects used appropriately. Adds a nice professional feel to the album.

Likewise, it’s great to hear the theme of faith played out over the course of the majority of the tracks without sounding overly pompous. I do wish there was more focus on what that faith is about and where faith should be placed. (We did find this labeled as Christian and gospel, so we assume that it’s about Christ.) There is one track that is a love song, “My Love is Forever,” and it has a positive message, good clean lyrics, and a song that any one would be comfortable playing around people of all ages.

This isn’t a worship album, and not all music has to be worship. Music can discuss faith, love for another, among many other topics that we as Christians discuss with each other. Big Faith Big Dreams is something you should pick up and listen to if you are wanting good clean hip hop. Cuz it does exist, and the links are below.

David Prince lives near Nashville, TN.



band camp:

One thought on “Clean Family Friendly Hip Hop? Yes! It Exists!

  • January 22, 2017 at 3:53 am

    I love the album Big faith Big dreams. I feel like David is so free in this album. He’s still serving God but, having fun as well. One of my top 3 favorite songs in this album is, Do it big ft True Black, Something More ft Lil Bre, and No more excuses.


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